Digimon Card Game - Special Booster Ver.2.5 BT19 & BT20 - Celebration Event Donnerstag 27.02.2025 ab 18 Uhr
Digimon Card Game - Special Booster Ver.2.5 BT19 & BT20 - Celebration Event Donnerstag 27.02.2025 ab 18 Uhr
Normaler Preis
Normaler Preis
Start: 18.00 Uhr
Maximale Teilnehmeranzahl: 16
Match Format: DIGIMON Tournament Regulation / Constructed
To celebrate the release of Special Booster Ver.2.5, a combined booster towards unifying the release dates for all versions, there will be a special store event!
This time the event period is longer than the usual pre-release events, and there will be special prizes which players would want to collect!
Don’t miss this opportunity to get the special prizes!
Alle Spieler benötigen die Bandai TCG+ App und müssen dort registriert sein.